Paper IDArticle Title & AuthorCountryPageDownload Link230301Compare & Contrast Traditional Vs Modern Supply Chains in Disruption Authors: Shah Sha Syed Abu Ehsan1-7Download230302Analysis of the Strategic Knowledge Management Impact on the Performance of the Global Manufacturing Firm Authors: Muhammad Abdur Rahman8-34Download230303Comparative Study between Court Life & Pastoral Life in Shakespeare’s As You Like ItAuthor: Dr. Md. Shahazada Basunia35-40Download230304Perspectives on the Property Rights of Hindu Women in Bangladesh: An AnalysisAuthors: Nilay Das Nayan & Tanushri Das41-48Download230305Black Soldier Fly Production: An Innovative Solution to Municipal Waste Management and Sustainable Business Prospect in BangladeshAuthors: Bidhan Chandra Pal, Dr. Aftab Uddin, Dr. Yasmin Siddiqua, Mahinoor Nazia Farah & Khondaker Yeasir49-55Download230506Factors Influencing Customer Intention towards Online Hotel Booking: An Analysis on the Context of BangladeshAuthors: Md. Noyan Hossain1, Sohag Datta2, Md. Azmir Hossain356-66Download230607Opportunities and Challenges of Private Sector Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Emerging Countries: A Study in the Perspective of BangladeshAuthors: 1Bushra Ferdousi, 2Rabeya Sarker, 3Sohag Datta, 4Md. Azmir Hossain67-74Download230608From Enrollment to Employment: Examining the Impact of Student Engagement on Retention and Career Outcomes in AustraliaAuthors: S M Rezwan KawserDOI: